

After careful monitoring of the Covid-19 situation this week, Cork Tango has decided to CANCEL our weekly and monthly activities until further notice.

Please note:

1. Milonga Evora on Sundays at Cork Cricket Club is CANCELLED.
2. Class on Wednesdays at The Metropole Hotel is CANCELLED.
3. Cork Tango’s Friday Night Out at Cork Cricket Club is CANCELLED.

We’ll be staying in touch with you on our Facebook page, giving you inspirational tango videos and interesting links to keep you going as you practice at home, so by the time we return to our beloved tango we’ll have improved vastly.

Sending healthy virtual hugs to you all, our dear friends, until we’re back together in close embrace. ❤

Not so much to look at…

Natalia Ochoa and Ismael Ludman

When I first started looking at the video I was not impressed but then, like a fine wine, it got better. Natalia Ochoa and Ismael Ludman dance “Mandria” by Juan D’Arienzo, sung by Alberto Echagüe. Argentine Tango class starts at 1930 this Wednesday in the Metropole Hotel, MacCurtain Street.

Be careful!

A mask doesn’t do much!

Image by Juraj Varga from Pixabay

If you are experiencing symptoms of feeling sick please stay away for your own good. Pay attention to the Wold Health Organisation and check out the Health Service Executive for additional information. Five euro donation on Sunday at 2000 hours in the Cork County Cricket Club in Richard Beamish Grounds on Mardyke Walk. Better safe than sorry…

Listen to the beat

Camila Ameglio and Braulio Martos

Camila Ameglio and Braulio Martos dance “Nochero soy” by Osvaldo Pugliese. Argentine Tango class starts at 1930 this Wednesday in the Metropole Hotel, MacCurtain Street. On the beat the whole time. One method of dancing.

It is all in the pause.

Georgia Priskou and Loukas Balokas

Georgia Priskou and Loukas Balokas dance “Mi vida en tus manos” by Rodolfo Biagi, sung by Hugo Duval. Argentine Tango class starts at 1930 this Wednesday in the Metropole Hotel, MacCurtain Street. Pause and then walk